Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública.
Administración Presupuestaria



In today's information and knowledge management era, and in a scenario of electronic administration, the Web Portals of the higher and executive Organs of the State Administration, duly included in the portal of the corresponding Ministry and in that of the Public Administrations, have become an obligatory channel for routing all the information the Organ should offer to the Information Society, and, on the other, administrative procedures and services, both for the completion of formalities and the follow-up thereof.

Moreover, this flow of information to be processed through Web Portals is growing at breakneck speed as a result of the convergence of several determining factors: the citizens' demand for transparent management by the Public Administrations, which is inherent in democratic systems; the globalisation fostered by the Internet phenomenon and the growing availability of digitised information and the capacity to manage it, which is characteristic of the Digital Society we live in.

The importance of this service is particularly relevant under the scope of the State Secretariat for Budgets and Expenses, of the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service , as the nature of their functions makes the information generated and associated services particularly relevant to a wide range of sectors, such as businesses, universities, Administrations and national and international public institutions, as well as for individuals.

The State Secretariat for Budgets and Expenses is the higher body that, under the authority of the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service, leads and coordinates activities relating to planning, programming and budgeting the public sector on a state level, as well as its staff costs, designing, planning and implementing actions related to community funds and regional incentives, and, in particular, managing the funds that go towards regional economic policies and monitoring and managing Spanish participation in the EU budget.

The Government Comptroller's Office is attached to the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure with the status of Under-secretariat and is responsible for internal oversight, through performance of the comptroller and financial monitoring functions, the monitoring and oversight of subsidies and public aid, actions arising from the monitoring of EU funds with regard to the exercise of audit authority functions in programmes where the IGAE has such status, management of the public accounting system, the drafting of public-sector economic accounts and the planning, design and execution of the IT system of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure.

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